For most people, life can be a series of ups and downs, good times and bad. Sometimes the downs are just too painful, the bad times go on for far too long, or our feelings get in the way of living the life we want, and we may need help to get back on track. Deciding to have counselling is an important sign that you really want things to change. You have already taken a significant first step towards making those changes.
The next step is to find the counsellor who suits you best. You may wish to consider the counsellor’s model of working, their availability and accessibility, or their training and experience. You may simply get a gut feeling that you have found the right counsellor for you.
Sarah Jack
I've been counselling since 1989, and since then have been inspired by the resilience, bravery and sensitivity of the many adults, young people, families and couples I have worked with. I have extensive experience of working with sexual abuse and trauma, parenting and attachment difficulties, identity and relationship issues, depression and anxiety, bereavement and loss. I don’t claim to be an ‘expert’ in any of these areas because everyone's response is different and what matters is you and your own unique experience of these difficulties. I am committed to collaborating with you to find the resilient, hopeful part of yourself that becomes expert in managing your challenges and is motivated by the smallest signs of progress towards your preferred future.
I originally qualified as a Person-Centred counsellor, and have completed additional training in Transactional Analysis, Systemic Family Therapy, Attachment Based Therapy and Online Counselling. In 2007 I qualified as a Solution Focused Practitioner and this is how I prefer to work now. I have found the Solution Focused approach to be extremely effective in my personal life as well as in my work with clients.

Why Solution Focused?
What Happens Next?
If you've had a look around my website and think you might like us to work together, the next step is to contact me to arrange a free initial consultation. It's friendly, informal, completely confidential, and doesn't commit you to ongoing counselling. I will explain a bit more about how I work and I can answer any questions you may have. If you decide to go ahead, I will ask you to complete a simple form, and then we will schedule our first session. If there are any reasons why it will not be appropriate for us to work together, I will be happy to refer you on to a service that will be able to help you.